About us

Call us if cyberthreats are giving you a headache

See who we are

At SECWATCH, we believe in the principle of fighting fire with fire. We look at cyberthreats from the perspective of a hacker. Because only then can you protect yourself against cyberthreats with 100% certainty. That is what we do: we are ethical hackers who are on your side and defend your business on that basis. For more than 15 years, we have protected large SMEs and enterprise organisations from costly threats.

We are not business analysts. But we do identify the places where your business is at risk. So that you protect exactly that which is vulnerable. Never too much, never too little.

We are a typically Dutch club, privately owned company, which may be an advantage to some potential clients. And we are proud of itΒ  πŸ™‚

  • On average, our ethical hackers spend 20% of their working time honing and updating their knowledge and expertise. You can see our list of certifications and specialisations here.
  • We keep going until every IT/security officer in your organisation is 100% aware of what we have identified and of the steps to resolve it.
  • We comprehensively test and monitor all possible vulnerabilities and assess any impact thereof, however large or small.

"Secwatch levert precies wat wij nodig hebben en niet meer. Ze zijn onze vaste partner voor vulnerability-scans op ons netwerk. Daarnaast doen zij een aparte scan op de applicatie die wij aanbieden. Niet alle partijen kunnen dat eenvoudig scheiden van elkaar, Secwatch wel."

Anoniem, risk manager bij een grote verzekeringsmaatschappij

"Bij Secwatch is de prijs-kwaliteit bijzonder goed juist doordat ze veel flexibeler zijn: ze leveren maatwerk. Andere spelers in de markt vragen veel hogere prijzen omdat die met vaste pakketten werken. Daar heb je niet altijd alles van nodig."

Anoniem, risk manager bij een grote verzekeringsmaatschappij

"Vooraf is de prijs duidelijk en vast, die verandert niet ook al vinden ze tijdens hun testen iets vinden dat extra tests vereist."

Matthijs Brunsting, Teamleider software ontwikkeling bij Solviteers

Our core values

  1. Partnership

    We stand alongside our customers, on an equal level. Proactively and constructively, we help them make the right choices.

  2. Specialised

    Where others do a lot, we do only one thing: research. So we are getting better at that.

  3. Enjoyment

    'Everybody happy?'

  4. Analytical

    Inquisitive, critical and thorough. So, we also ask the question behind the question. Please, give us a problem, we sometimes say.

  5. Personal

    We are ourselves and give everything of ourselves, without complicated formality. Professionals without suits πŸ˜‰

This is us

Henk-Jan - The Big Friendly Giant hacker

Henk-Jan is quite humble, but at the same time someone who claims to know EVERYTHING. When you get him on the line, you know it's serious. So let's avoid that.

Marc Ligthart – Head Honcho of Happiness

The man with the plan to keep looking at how things can be easier, more fun and better. His main question is "Everybody happy?" and so he is building this company into a happy buzzing bee colony. Want to make Marc happy? Pour some specialty beer into the colony!

Bianca - Business Badass

Her picture is in the dictionary with the word 'operations'. A born entrepreneur, she organises, streamlines and runs our shop floor so the specialists can do their thing without fuss.

Leonie - Personal Pepper Potts

Loyal customer queen. Our faithful, loving go-getter who is always looking for ways to make our business better. Can build from nothing until it stands like a house. And is thus our ultimate Pepper Potts.

Denise - Miss Moneypenny

Centipede. Without her, our i's would have no dots and our t's would not be crossed. She manages everything around sales and administratively handles everything until it all adds up.

Gavin - our ultimate Robin

Our colleague, who we love to have in the house because he is driven and positive. With his background in sales, he is fast becoming a reliable security specialist. We see him as the ultimate Robin, indispensable to Batman!

Jaco - His name is Q

Without Q, James Bond would be nothing. Jaco is our Q. He is our master researcher who makes sure that all security measures are in place. From head to tail and top to bottom.

Sanne van Lienden - Soft Top techie

People person & Deepening Connector. Sanne is our soft top techie. Likes to connect action to inspiration and atmosphere to specialisation. She loves nice long dinners. Oh and of spring rolls!

Samuel – Demon detective

Very broad in terms of experience, yet very focused and specialised. He has an iron discipline and thinks critically and out of the box. That makes him invincible. That is why we call him our Demon Detective. But a friendly one.

Sijmen - our own Clark Kent

A man with a plan. Sijmen has a mission and that is to expose, together with journalists, news that should not be swept under the carpet. So you regularly see him on TV to explain. That makes him the ultimate Clark Kent.

Luuk - Super Sherlock

Super Sherlock pur sang with an impressive amount of certifications and a bucket of experience on international audits with extremely critical impact (such as NATO, Ministry of Defence).

Ger - Coffee genius

SaaS & Webapp security specialist. Has a healthy dislike for bullshit, a healthy penchant for things that are technically and qualitatively superior. Ask him yourself (don't forget the coffee).

Wesley van de Kamp - Our own Neo

This multipotentialite clearly chooses the red pill and, like Neo in the Matrix, quickly learns new things. Thank God he is now working for us as a tester.

Sander Horsman - Our own dr. House

Likes to ask lots of questions and doesn't shy away from some dark jokes. As a tester with us, he is as creative as House in finding causes.

Ehsan Razaghi - Techie Einstein

Our questioner and tech researcher. Like Einstein, addicted to getting to the bottom of things. Also speaks the customer's language, so regularly trains and mentors customers as well.

Pascalle van der Pol – Miss Spock

Few people do as much smart analysis and monitoring with as much logic as she does. To boldly go, shall we say. She's up to it. And yes, that comparison is there for a reason: once a Trekkie, always a Trekkie.

Coen Ligthart - Tony Stark

Cybersecurity Consultant. Has been building machines, appliances and computers he previously took apart since childhood. Crazy about racing games and wouldn't turn down a ride in a real Formula 1 car if he could.

Luca Prins - Shining Star

Digital native with an analogue edge. Social, sporty Fruity Loops player who was inspired by Deadmau5 and listens to 70s himself. Focused on learning as a junior cybersecurity consultant.

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